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National Obesity Awareness Week – 11 January 2021
On the 1st day of Christmas, BVNA gave to me…..
Walk Your Dog Month
Research Project: An investigation into the factors that influence the Registered Veterinary Nurse’s decision to leave the profession
Bird flu outbreak – how to protect your pet birds and chickens
Could you be BVA’s next Junior Vice President?
Veterinary volunteers unlock history in RCVS Knowledge lockdown transcription project
MMI news: MMI holding new mental health awareness courses for all members of the veterinary team
Vets say ‘I’m a celeb’ needs to #GetAnimalsOutOfThere
Incredible Vet Nurses Recognised in Hill’s Veterinary Nurse Awards 2020
BVNA Awards
Wonderhood Studios are on the lookout for Veterinary Nurses for their new series!
RCVS news: RCVS holding online guidance sessions for new 1CPD platform
Research Project
Call for speakers for Congress 2021!
BVA launches #GreenTeamVet for One Health Day