Council elections are here again, and now half way through my term, I can absolutely say that the experience has been a great one.
My experience started with some nurse friends who said I should put myself up for election. I would have never put myself forward if it was not for these nurses. I looked up to these nurses and they inspired me, pushing me forward. After a lot of self doubt, talking with many nurses, I did put myself up for election.
The council elections process I actually found fun. I had never really used social media for nursing related posts, but I thought why not try to promote my nursing and my election through my social media. This was amazing as I started connecting with nurses all over the country and even further.
We had to write a short statement about ourselves and what we would like to bring to the BVNA. I found this difficult but I just wrote about what I know and what I was passionate about. Reading all the candidate statements I definitely had a big hit of imposter syndrome. All these great nurses who I felt would make great council members.
When the elections results came through, myself along with Jack and Sam were voted in. I had an amazing sense of pride but also anxiousness.
The BVNA team and other council members were so supportive. I felt at ease straight away. What is great is that everyone wants to work together. You don’t have to have all the answers, as a team at the BVNA do great work together.
There is a lot of information to take in when you first join but that is the same with any new role or job. For the first few meetings and contacts I just sat and listened. This taught me so much. I was watching experienced nurses who had been on the council for several years. Also, the office and support staff are there to help in any way they can. The support staff are all so passionate and are the driving force behind many of the projects and the heart beat of the BVNA.
On the council, there is room for all types of nurses. We are meant to represent the nursing population so we need every type of person. I can honestly say I’m not the most active member but my opinion and thoughts are still needed. I have the pleasure of being on BVNA council with some amazing people who bring important discussions to the table. I like to hear these and try to support where I can.
I currently sit on the learning and development committee. I quickly found that this was where I was most interested. I also represent the BVNA at the Scottish animal health stakeholder meetings. Thank god for zoom as I live in Norfolk. Again, here I was quickly welcomed but found it so interesting to hear from other veterinary professionals in all working sectors.
BVNA has taught me many things, but top of my list, I have learned we all have a voice and people will listen when you have colleagues and friends behind you. The BVNA helps you speak that little bit louder and gives you the confidence that your point of view and opinion matters.
I would encourage any nurse to have a think about putting yourself up for election. Be the voice of your profession.
I am so proud to be a RVN and I know many nurses feel the same as me. The BVNA opens a door to another part of this rewarding profession and can help teach, inspire and support you to be the best nurse that you want to be.
It’s Elections Time Again……… Nominate Someone Today!
Council Nominations for 2021-2022
The British Veterinary Nursing Association is calling on all full (RVN) and student members to stand for election onto BVNA Council. We have 3 full council and 2 student places available.
Important attributes for candidates are a strong commitment to promoting the ideals of the BVNA as well as the veterinary nursing profession in general and a willingness to devote time and effort to representing their fellow members.
It is important to realise that Council members can come from all aspects of our profession, from clinical practice, industry, research, corporate, charity. The wider range of council members we have the wider range of our profession is represented.
All you need is passion and commitment. Why not join us in shaping the future of our profession?
Join BVNA today to nominate or be nominated! JOIN HERE.
BVNA members, please click here for more details and nomination forms.