I have spent the past three years on BVNA Council in a student member position and what a three years it has been! I was initially inspired to join council from a previous student member who explained what BVNA do, their aims and what I could get involved with. I was excited to be able to get involved with changing and shaping our profession.
Becoming a part of council has developed me as a person as well as a Veterinary Nurse. My time as a volunteer at BVNA has been so much more than I could have ever expected.
On council, I attend each meeting and produce reports to be discussed. I am also involved in other areas, such as developing the student section in the VNJ and helping to progress the student membership. I have been involved with task groups with other organisations and associations and have also planned events for BVNA Congress, as well as speaking at Congress.
I have learnt how formal meetings work, how to write reports, lead discussions and about public speaking; all of which I did not know how to do before I joined council as a volunteer. I have had great support from all council members, especially my mentor who supported me to gain these types of skills.
I would urge anyone who is thinking to join council to definitely put themselves forward. I have had so many great experiences in my career already from being a part of BVNA council, which I am so grateful for. From being involved over the past three years, I am super excited to see what the future holds for us as a profession and to see the developments that are made through the BVNA’s hard work and enthusiasm.
It’s Election Time Again……… Nominate Someone Today!
Council Nominations for 2021-2022
The British Veterinary Nursing Association is calling on all full (RVN) and student members to stand for election onto BVNA Council. We have 3 full council and 2 student places available.
Important attributes for candidates are a strong commitment to promoting the ideals of the BVNA as well as the veterinary nursing profession in general and a willingness to devote time and effort to representing their fellow members.
It is important to realise that Council members can come from all aspects of our profession, from clinical practice, industry, research, corporate, charity. The wider range of council members we have the wider range of our profession is represented.
All you need is passion and commitment. Why not join us in shaping the future of our profession?
Join BVNA today to nominate or be nominated! JOIN HERE.
BVNA members, please click here for more details and nomination forms.