VNJ Articles

How a nursing care plan can facilitate successful nursing of a pony with hyperlipaemia by Anna Saul

case studyhyperlipaemianursing care planpony

Reducing stress in canine patients whilst hospitalised in a veterinary practice – a review part 1 by Stephanie Almond

canineclinicalfearfulnessreducing stress

The veterinary practice’s role in ensuring compliance to a treatment plan for dogs with insulin-deficient diabetes by Lydia M. Barry


Laparoscopic spay by Cathy Woodlands


Editorial by Sam McMillan

dear readereditorial

BVNA Announces Charity of the Year

bvna news

The influence veterinary practice management teams have on the welfare of veterinary nurses within the work environment by Gemma Hunt

clinicalmanagementoccupational stresswell-being

What does the public really think? by Camilla Deamer

featuresopinionspublicsocial media

Reducing stress in canine patients while hospitalised in a veterinary practice – a review part 2 by Stephanie Almond

clinicalcortisolmusicstress behaviour

Editorial by Bonny Millar

dear readereditorial

How do I raise a grievance? by Nicky Ackerley


Science in Shorts

researchscience in shorts

Equine nursing “how to” guide – “Folding” a foal into lateral recumbency as a form of restraint by Bonny Millar

featureslateral recumbencyrestraint

Treating systemic shock in adult equine patients by Veronica Brandel

adult equineclinical

A comparative study of disinfecting catheter caps and their effectiveness in the reduction of equine IV catheter-related thrombophlebitis by Natalie Fisk

catheter capsclinicalequine

Equine distal limb local anaesthesia by Anne Schreier
