Blog type

Flexible working – Sarah Batt-Williams and Flora Foxx

What flexible hours meant to me – Jill Macdonald DipAVN (Surgical) RVN FHEA

BBC Morning Live highlight abuse of veterinary staff, often associated with cost-of-living crisis

BVRA, BVA and BVNA join forces to deliver webinar on positive practice team relationships

Applications now open for the MSD Animal Health Research Bursaries

BVNA Congress 2023 – What to expect from our 50th anniversary celebrations!

Flexible working with VN Futures

Flexible working from an employer perspective

BVNA leadership series part 2: A journey through leadership for veterinary nurses

Introduction to flexible working and some of the myths

Life as a student equine veterinary nurse

VN Futures DIWP working group launches menopause toolkit

iCatCare launches social media campaign to encourage ‘Purrfect Play Every Day’ for International Cat Day 2023

BVNA leadership series part 1: Rethinking what leadership looks like

VN Futures DIWP Working Group launch survey as part of flexible working campaign

TimeForChange: BVA launches new menopause hub to support members and help keep highly-skilled vets in the profession