VNJ Articles

Brachycephalic caesarean nursing care Part 2 Perioperative care


The equine nurse’s guide to colic surgery

colicequinehorsesurgeryveterinary nursing

The efficacy of veterinary nurse-led clinics in managing canine obesity

canine obesityefficacynurse led clinicsquality of life

Sustainability in the veterinary practice

eco-friendlysustainabilityveterinary practice

Career Chat: an interview on career diversification

career pathinterview

Airway management in small animal anaesthesia

airway managementanaesthesiaintubationlaryngoscope

August 2023 VNJ

Wellbeing chat

gardeninghorticultural therapywellbeing

Triage of injured coastal and marine wildlife


Ticks and an introduction to canine babesiosis


Nursing the feline flea-anaemic patient

anaemiafleanursing care

The life cycle and treatment of fleas

flealife cycle

The effects of canine obesity and how to combat weight gain in dogs

canineobesityweight management

Investigating the variation in injection dead-space discard volumes to improve the accuracy of controlled drug records

controlleddead spacedrugpharmaceutical wasterecord keepingsyringe

June 2023 VNJ

April 2023 VNJ