VNJ Articles

October 2023 VNJ

Understanding the cardiovascular system

bloodcardiovascular syatemheart

How to use capnography as part of environmentally sustainable anaesthesia efforts

anaesthesiacapnogramcapnographyfresh gas flowsustainable

How to save a life in an hour

blood transfusionsave a life

Nursing care of feline cardiomyopathy: A patient care assessment

cardiologycardiomyopathyfelineheart diseasenursing

The nursing care implications for the critical myiasis rabbit – focused on pain management and fluid therapy

criticalemergencyintravenous fluid therapymyasispain managementrabbit

Constructive dismissal


Brachycephalic caesarean nursing care Part 2 Perioperative care


The equine nurse’s guide to colic surgery

colicequinehorsesurgeryveterinary nursing

The efficacy of veterinary nurse-led clinics in managing canine obesity

canine obesityefficacynurse led clinicsquality of life

Sustainability in the veterinary practice

eco-friendlysustainabilityveterinary practice

Career Chat: an interview on career diversification

career pathinterview

Airway management in small animal anaesthesia

airway managementanaesthesiaintubationlaryngoscope

August 2023 VNJ

Wellbeing chat

gardeninghorticultural therapywellbeing

Triage of injured coastal and marine wildlife
