VNJ Articles
“The gratitude attitude”: growing evidence for medical and veterinary professionals by Katie Ford
featuresgratitudejournalling veterinary
Advice for owners of a blind dog by Katy Orton
adapt blindnessblind dogenucleationfeaturesvision loss
Informed consent – more than a signature? Improving the consent process in practice by Carol A. Gray
case studyelective surgeryinformed consentneuteringsmall animalveterinaryveterinary nursing
A placement officer’s top tips for clinical coaches by Larissa May
clinicalclinical coachmentorstudent veterinary nursetop tips
Your transforming role in preventative healthcare by John Helps
awareness of the vn roleclient educationfeaturespreventative healthcareveterinary team
A strategy for newly qualified nurses by Helen Ballantyne
emotional intelligencefeaturesmentorsqualified nursereflective practicestudent nursetime managementtransition