ABSTRACT: Whilst the range of surgical procedures which may be performed on the forelimb is very diverse, there are various considerations which are held in common. These include pre-anaesthetic assessment, surgical preparation, analgesia and postoperative physiotherapy. This article discusses these considerations and offers suggestions for improving standards of care to maximise the surgical benefits to patients, practice teams and client


Julian G Hoad BSc(Hons) HonMBVNA BVetMed MRCVS

Prior to qualifying from the Royal Veterinary College in 1996, Julian read for a Degree in Microbiology and Biochemistry, going on to study retroviruses for three years. He is co-partner and owner of Crossways Veterinary Group in Storrington – a first-opinion small animal practice.

Julian’s main interests are soft tissue and orthopaedic surgery and he has lectured extensively to vets and veterinary nurses about surgery, pain management and ultrasound. Julian lives in West Sussex with his wife and two daughters, and whenever he gets any time off he is usually to be found on a rock face somewhere.

Keywords: Clinical, Surgery, Forelimb

To cite this article: Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 29 (01) • January 2014 • pp10-13

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