BVNA’s Toolkits

Welfare of Pets in Schools Toolkit
This toolkit is available for all veterinary professionals, teachers and parents, and is a free and easy access resource with downloadable content to help educate you on how you can improve the welfare of animals being kept in schools.

Chronic Illness Toolkit
Working in the veterinary profession can be challenging, but even more so if you are suffering from a chronic illness or condition. This toolkit should help nurses feel less alone, better understood and more likely to receive the support they need.

Menopause Toolkit
This free to access toolkit provides signposting for support, plus useful resources for those affected by menopause, or working alongside veterinary nurses experiencing menopause.

Student Toolkit
From revision tips, to signposting to financial assistance and wellbeing resources, this toolkit is designed to provide the help you need, in an easy to access way.

Mental Health Toolkit
Are you struggling with your mental health? If the answer is yes, then you are definitely not alone. Many people find it very difficult to talk about their mental health, but we hope that our toolkit, filled with resources, books, downloadables, signposting links and personal stories, will encourage you to share how you’re feeling. You might even find that you inspire someone else to do the same!

Clinical Coach Toolkit
At BVNA, we’ve been developing an opportunity for clinical coaches to collaborate, share ideas, and feel supported in their role. We have developed this toolkit to provide useful resources to support you, as you support the next generation of veterinary nurses.