How well do you know the Guide to Professional Conduct for Veterinary Nurses? Why not test yourself with the new online quiz from the RCVS.

The RCVS Register of Veterinary Nurses has been live for three years now, and includes over 7,600 registered veterinary nurses (RVNs). RVNs agree to keep their skills and knowledge up to date by means of continuing professional development (CPD), and to abide by the Guide to Professional Conduct for Veterinary Nurses.

The 25-question VN Guide quiz was piloted at BVNA Congress and is now live at

VNs can take part in the quiz anonymously and, on completion, there is an opportunity to review answers and check the relevant section of the Guide. Why not give it a go?!

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PEPAS lives on

Good news for the Pan-European Practical Assessment System project (PEPAS) – the European VN training network, Vetnnet, has stepped in to give it life beyond its two-year pilot stage.

PEPAS aims to standardise the assessment of veterinary nurse practical training across Europe and has been supported by money from the Leonardo da Vinci Fund.

The project developed 111 new stations for Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCEs), including mark sheets and examiner notes, and trained over 50 veterinary nursing examiners from eight countries across Europe. The new OSCE stations have been trialled across 250 students by seven European veterinary nursing schools.

Vetnnet has now committed to continuing the project, enabling its members to access the OSCEs and associated training.

The RCVS was a main project partner in the pilot, with specific responsibility for training and quality assurance of the system. “It’s great that the hard work put into the project by so many countries will continue to bear fruit," commented Victoria Hedges, RCVS VN Examination and Higher Education Quality Manager.

See for more information.

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• VOL 25 • Noll • November 2010 • Veterinary Nursing Journal