ABSTRACT: Rabbit obesity is a growing problem and has profound effects on the welfare of the rabbit. Worryingly the 2018 PDSA PAW Report highlighted the lack of owner awareness of the problem. Vets and nurses surveyed stated 30% of the rabbits they saw were overweight. However, 83% of owners felt their rabbits were the ideal weight. When shown pictures, 26% of owners chose a picture of an obese rabbit as being “ideal”. This highlights a key area for veterinary professionals to help provide knowledge and information that could ultimately lead to improved welfare standards for our nation’s pet rabbits.


Robyn Lowe RVN

Robyn is a Registered Veterinary Nurse who qualified from Myerscough School of Veterinary Nursing in 2016. She has recently completed her first year of her RCVS Diploma in Advanced Veterinary Nursing and is looking to complete her final year: Robyn has worked on a volunteer basis with animals since she was four years old and her passion for the profession has only grown since then. Robyn spent years of her life at the Horse and Pony Protection Association (HAPPA) and later at a local rescue and rehabilitation yard. Here she met a Veterinary Surgeon who inspired her; and she went for her first work experience in 2008 in a busy mixed practice. Since graduation Robyn has gained particular interests including wound management and rabbit medicine and clinical care. She has also travelled to Thailand to volunteer her skills and knowledge working on elephants, horses, goats, pigs, water buffalo, cats and dogs.

Robyn thoroughly enjoys osteoarthritis and weight clinics in practice and now aims to not only support feline and canine patients but also rabbit clients. She feels that there is great scope for improving quality of life in rabbits with obesity and osteoarthritis and aims to continue to improve her knowledge to provide the best knowledge and care to her rabbit patients.

Email: robynblythe@btinternet.com

Keywords: rabbit; obesity

To cite this article: Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 34 (11) • November 2019 pp283-288

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