Dear Reader

I trust you have enjoyed the festive period – however you spent it! If you were working I hope it was a quiet time.

Now here it is, a New Year. 2013.1 always feel it is quite monumental, the stroke of midnight and clocks and calendar reset, not to mention the ever-increasing number of fireworks set off and the mobile networks jammed so that you are still receiving New Year messages at 2am!

I always feel inclined to make the New Years resolutions and forget how many I broke last year, by February! But the New Year has always been a good time to stop looking back and aim forward; and this can apply to both your career and personal lives. Resolutions can be a good way of recording those reflections.

Jonathan Edwards, an American theologian, was said to write and review resolutions every week for two years. Now it does not need to be as frequent as that, but consider setting yourself a new challenge for the year ahead. Whether it is improving your knowledge by attending CPD, furthering your qualifications, or finally ‘getting around to doing’ whatever you have thought about. This could range from anything from personal ambitions to professional achievements – maybe even joining BVNA or VN Council and giving your time and knowledge to shape the profession.

Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “Do one thing every day that scares you.” That has always seemed a bit of a lofty ambition to find something every day, but it is a quote that springs to mind whenever I am embarking on something a bit daunting. One member of our editorial board – and my friend – has just begun a new adventure working in China for two years and I wish her all the best and I admire her drive and spirit.

Why not use 2013 to reassess your nursing skills. Ensure you are up to date with the latest evidence-based practice and take the time to ‘clear out’ any bad habits and strive to work to best practice standards.

“Strive for perfection in everything you do. Take the best that exists and make it better; and when it does not exist, design it,” said Sir Henry Royce (1863-1933). So read through the VNJ and discuss new findings with your colleagues – your increased enthusiasm might be catching and help change your practice standards for the better.

Here at the BVNA and VNJ we are bringing new challenges for 2013. We have seen the introduction of our new editorial board which will ensure our journal maintains its high standards. We are also busy planning an excellent BVNA Congress for 2013 and more regional and national CPD courses. So, as they say, watch this space.

May I wish you all an inspiring 2013, Happy New Year


Sam Morgan

Cert Ed DipAVN(Medical & Surgical) RVN Executive Editor

To cite this editorial use either

DOI: 10.1111/j.2045-0648.2012.00251.x or Veterinary Nursing Journal Vol 28 pp2

• VOL 28 • January 2013 • Veterinary Nursing Journal