VNJ Articles
Maintaining pet health and well-being through appropriate life-stage nutrition – Part 2
caninecompanion animal nutritiondietary requirementsfelinelife stage
The RVNs role in reducing the risk of packed RBC transfusion reactions in dogs
blood transfusioncross-matchingerythrocytepacked red blood cellsstorage lesiontransfusion medicine
Recognition, diagnosis and care of the diabetic ketoacidosis patient
diabetes mellitusdiabetic ketoacidosisdiagnosisnursing care
Barriers affecting BAME students’ access and attainment in veterinary higher education
Part 2 – The barriers and solutions
anti-racismattainmentBAMEblack lives matterdiversityveterinary education
Life-stage nutrition for dogs and cats
caninecompanion animal nutritiondietary requirementsfelinelife stage