VNJ Articles

Anaesthesia of a French bulldog for a T9-T10 spinal arachnoid diverticula by Jordan Northover and William J. M. McFadzean

anaesthesiabrachycephaliccase studyneurologyspinal arachnoid diverticula

Managing stress in the workplace by Zara Livingstone

clinicalmanaging stressmental healthstress

Referencing for the VNJ by Nicola Ruedisueli


Supportive care of the hospitalised laminitic horse: a nursing perspective by Jackie Ryan, Tatiana Vinardell and Jessica P. Johnson

clinicalequinehorselaminitisveterinary nursing

BVNA Virtual Research Bites:: information for candidates 2020

bvnaresearch bites

Editorial by Nikki Ruedisueli

dear readereditorial

Out of the ashes: volunteer nursing Australia’s bushfire affected native wildlife – part I by Candice Drew

australian wildlifeburns treatmentbushfiresfeaturemacropodsveterinary nursingvolunteering

Rabbit hind limb amputation: case study by April Louise Murphy

case studyevidence basedhind-leg amputationrabbitstudent veterinary nurse

Being organised by Charlotte Wood

organisedstudent section

Evidence-based approach to recognising and reducing stress in pet rabbits by Amber Foote

clinicalhealth and welfarerabbit behaviourrecognising stress

Science in shorts

researchscience in shorts

Literature review on the handling and restraint of cats in practice and its effect on patient welfare by Alexandra Faye Taylor

cat handling and restraintclinicallow-stressspecies-specificwelfare

Diagnosis, treatment and nursing care of foals with diarrhoea by Samantha Feighery

clinicaldiarrhoeafoalnursing care

A veterinary nurse’s perspective: working alongside Sulawesi black crested macaques in Tasikoki Wildlife Rescue, Indonesia by Jessica Ashby

black crested macaquesclinicalconservationendangeredveterinarywildlife

Editorial by Wendy Nevins

dear readereditorial

An employment law update by Nicky Ackerley
