VNJ Articles

RVN Profile by Emma Walsh

i want that jobrvn profile

Systemic inflammatory response syndrome – an overview by Lesley Moore


Science in Shorts

researchscience in shorts

Care of a cat with lip avulsion and brachial plexus injury by Paula Bagshaw-Wright

clinicallip avulsion

Science in Shorts

researchscience in shorts

Gallus gallus domesticus – our new best feathered friend? by Jane Howorth

best featheredfeature

Canine hypotension during general anaesthesia by Zara Livingstone

clinicalgeneral anaesthesia

Cat handling and associated stress: a clinical nursing perspective by Lauren Williams

associated stressclinicalclinical nursing

Alterations to your Terms and Condition of Employment by Nicky Ackerley


Editorial by Megan Whitehead

dear readereditorial

Beyond the nursing care plan: an introduction to care bundles by Helen Ballantyne

clinicalnursing care

Working as an RSPCA nurse: benefits and opportunities by James Yeates

featurerspca nurse

Laparoscopic or traditional bitch spay? A comparison of surgical technique, associated risks and benefits by Laura Rosewell

clinicalgonadectomykeyholeminimally invasive surgeryneuteringnursingovariectomyovariohysterectomyspaysterilisation

Ten top tips to make the most of your practice laboratory by Anji Jonas

clinicalcytologydiagnosticsgeneral practicelaboratory techniquesurinalysis

Working for a large organisation by Dr Daniel Preter


Dismissal by Nicky Ackerley
