ABSTRACT: General anaesthesia of young animals can pose an increased risk to these patients owing to their immature body systems, so it is, therefore, generally avoided where possible. They can, however, present with conditions and injuries where avoidance is not an option. The following is a case log showing a wound suture in a young cat, highlighting the main areas of concern with regard to anaesthetic protocol and the precautionary steps to take.


Amy Thornley RVN DipCVN AVN

Following her VN training, Amy worked in a referral practice for two years. She then took a year out to travel and work in Australia and Namibia. Amy is currently working at the PDSA in a busy charity practice environment

Keywords: Clinical, Anaesthesia, Patients

To cite this article: Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 29 (05) • May 2014 • pp160-161

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