ABSTRACT: This is the final article in a series of three individual wound management case studies. It covers one of the common complications that can occur following the application of long-term dressings – decubitus ulcers [’pressure sores’]. Ideally bandaging should be problem-free, but in reality pressure sores can. and do, occur. This raises issues on how to continue to manage the primary problem – invariably a broken bone – as well as dealing with the pressure sore. In this case, by the time the pressure sore had fully developed, the original injury had been managed; so the main focus could be switched to the pressure sore. The author has found that once the pressure is relieved, a dramatic improvement in the wound can be seen relatively quickly when moist wound management is implemented, as this article shows.


Caroline Calder RVN MBVNA

Caroline qualified in 2001 after attending Myerscough College, whilst working in Carlisle. For the last six years, she has worked at a small animal practice in Durham. Since attending a CPD course in 2010, she has developed a keen interest in wound management.

Keywords: Clinical, Management, Bandaging

To cite this article: Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 28 (04) • April 2013 • pp121-124

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