ABSTRACT: Wound management is a wide-ranging topic with a variety of methods available to treat the different kinds of wounds that are seen in veterinary practice. Aspects that are covered in this article include different types of wounds, the wound healing process and the methods and products available to assist with the process of wound healing.

Wound management is an important aspect of veterinary nursing, with a variety of wounds seen in practice and a selection of management options available. Nurses need to have a knowledge and understanding of the types of wounds, how they are caused, the process of wound healing and the best wound management options available to allow healing to occur.


Cathy Woodlands BSc(Hons) VNPA GradDipVN RVN

Cathy graduated from Bristol University in 2009 after studying the Veterinary Nursing and Practice Administration Degree. She currently works at Bath Veterinary Referrals as a referral nurse and has recently passed her Diploma in Professional and Clinical Veterinary Nursing.

Cathy has a keen interest in surgical nursing and wound management.

Keywords: Clinical, Wound, Practice

To cite this article: Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 29 (03) • March 2014 • pp83-86

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