VNJ Articlesclinicalhypovolaemialactatemetabolic acidosisph
23 August 2022
What is lactate and why are we measuring it? by Amy Readthorn
ABSTRACT: Lactate measuring machines are becoming more commonly utilised in veterinary practice to assess perfusion in our patients, but why is it produced and how can we reduce the levels to avoid blood pH disturbances?
Amy Readthorn RVN Dip CVN, BSc (Hons) CVN, VNCERTECC
Amy qualified as a RVN in 2008 and then completed her Advanced Diploma and BSc (hons) CVN whilst working at a charity. She now works as an A + E nurse and has just completed her CERTVNECC. Amy also enjoys volunteering for various rabies projects around the world.
Keywords: lactate; pH; metabolic acidosis; hypovolaemia
To cite this article: Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 35 (07) • July 2020 • pp186-187
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