Volunteering is a popular activity. It can bring many benefits both to the person volunteering and the organisation who receives the services, and many people in our society increasingly depend on the services of volunteers. There are 15.2 million people volunteering at least once a month in the UK.

A lot of volunteering takes place with charities and not-for-profit organisations, but volunteering can also happen in other workplaces.


Nicky Ackerley BA[Hons]

Nicky is the owner of HR Support Consultancy. She has a BA(Hons) in Business Studies, is a member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development and has been a practising HR manager for more than 20 years. HR Support Consultancy has provided the BVNA Members Advisory Service (formerly known as the Industrial Relations Service) since it began in 2002.

Keywords: Volunteers and interns

To cite this article: Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 34 (06) • June 2019 pp145 

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