The BVNA was once again overjoyed with the response to our #VNAM2022 campaign! The campaign ran for the month of May and was supported with daily posts and shares on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

This year, the theme of VNAM was #OurProfessionMyResilience.

There were 2 competitions for Veterinary Nurses to get involved in this year;

Competition A | Together with your practice team, create a short video about the tasks and activities your VNs do everyday in practice, and share it on your waiting room TV and social media channels during VNAM

Competition B | How will your practice raise awareness about VNAM and what veterinary nurses do? Together with your practice team, create a VNAM campaign, using traditional media – organising in person events; contacting local tv, radio or newspapers; and creating window displays or posters; and/or digital media – videos and webinars; email, social media or web content.

We have really enjoyed seeing everyone’s efforts!

Congratulations to all the winners and runners-up of our 2022 VNAM competitions!

The lucky winners and runners up will receive ‘Love to Shop’ vouchers ranging in value from £50.00 – £100.00, and virtual BVNA Congress tickets.

Competition A for #VNAM2022

Winner – Davies Vets

Runner Up – House & Jackson Vets

Competition B for #VNAM2022

Winner – Severn Edge

Runner Up – Berry Vets

With thanks to our amazing partners of VNAM 2022;