Veterinary Nursing Awareness Month
8 April 2021
Veterinary Nursing Awareness Month – What’s It All About?

BVNA’s Annual Campaign!
Veterinary Nursing Awareness Month, or VNAM for short, was originally started by BVNA in 2005 as National VN Day campaign, and now, since 2012, the campaign takes place throughout the month of May every year.
The purpose of VNAM is to spread the word about the importance of the role of the veterinary nurse in practice and the provision of responsible pet care to the general public.
Each year we see a steady increase of veterinary practices and colleges throughout the UK getting involved promoting the role of the veterinary nurse.
Please follow our dedicated Veterinary Nursing Awareness Month Facebook page, and like or share the page to keep updated with further information.
The RCVS launched a short film animation in 2015 to coincide with VN Awareness Month and help raise awareness among the general public of the vital role played by veterinary nurses in animal care and treatment. You can view the video here.