What are you planning?

Veterinary Nursing Awareness Month (VNAM) was originally launched by BVNA in 2005 as a National VN Day. This then progressed into National VN Week and in 2012 onto the annual monthly campaign it is today.

The campaign has always had the same message throughout; join us in spreading the word about the importance of the role of the veterinary nurse in practice and the provision of responsible pet care to the general public.

Each year we see a steady increase of veterinary practices and colleges throughout the UK getting involved! Last years campaign saw some great events being arranged, including a Charity Quiz Night, A Careers Evening, as well some amazing waiting room displays.

There are some great resources that can help you promote VNAM within your practice. Packs can be requested by registering via our website www.bvna.org.uk/about-us/veterinary-nursing-awareness-month-vnam

Included in our packs this year will be a template press release for you to adapt and send to your local press. Most local papers are grateful for news articles. It can also be a great way to increase footfall into the practice if you also promote a special offer just for May!  

You will also find enclosed within this issue of VNJ a FREE copy of the official VNAM Poster!

There are also some great competitions running again this year so you could also be in with a chance of winning a fantastic prize!

Veterinary Nursing Awareness Month is your chance to reach out to a wider public audience and to educate people on what it is you do. Veterinary nurses need recognition for the profession so let’s get out there and make it happen!

You don’t have to be in practice to take part. Are you working in industry or education? Make sure your colleagues know and understand exactly what being an RVN means.

Are there any pet shows or country fairs in your area in May you could attend? Any school careers events? You don’t necessarily have to create and plan your own event – join in with one already happening.

Some of the BVNA team will be attending the London Pet Show in May at ExCel and hoping to interact with as many pet owners as possible during the show. We are also presenting a few talks during the two days so if you are visiting please pop along and say hi.  

You can also engage via social media, plus this is a great way to communicate not only to your existing client base but to a wider audience. If your practice has a Facebook page why not ask if you can take it over for the month!

Make sure you follow the VNAM Facebook page as we will be posting regularly during the month and you can then share those posts on your practice page, as well as your own profile page.


We also have a ‘Twibbon’ that you use on Facebook and Twitter plus when you Tweet please remember that all important hashtag #whatVNsdo

The aim of VNAM is to create awareness of the importance of the veterinary nursing profession and provision of responsible pet care. We look forward to seeing all the competition entries. Have fun and help make a difference!

Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 32 • April 2017