It is easy to make light of toilet training when there are so many other problems that could face owners in the life of their dogs. But, for many new owners, this is a serious issue. Many are trying to keep their house hygienic for their children; some may have managed to persuade a reluctant partner to have a dog and want to make everything perfect to ensure their continued compliance; most don’t want to live in a house that smells like a canine toilet. And they don’t know quite where to start.


Carolyn Menteith Dip CABT, KCAI(CDA)

Carolyn is an independent dog trainer and behaviour consultant with over 20 years’ experience of working with animals, the last 15 of which have been spent specialising solely in dogs – in particular companion dogs, rescue dogs and puppies.

She is the author of four published books and is currently working on another one about puppies. Since 1999 she has written articles for national dog magazines on all aspects of training, behaviour welfare and care and a professional template for trap-neuter-return schemes to manage street-dog populations, based on a project in Romania by Dogs Trust and Battersea Dogs and Cats Home, which is in use internationally.

Carolyn has also written and presented a series of dog-training films for Dogs Trust and their iPhone/Android app, You and Your Puppy. As a combined project with the Kennel Club and Dogs Trust, she has developed and written The Puppy Plan, a socialisation, habituation and early-learning programme for puppies in their first 16 weeks to help improve their behaviour later in life.

Keywords: Clinical, Training, Puppies

To cite this article: Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 29 (12) • December 2014 • pp398-399

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