ABSTRACT: The equine veterinary nurse plays a crucial role in the preparation of equine patients for arthroscopic procedures. In this Part 3 of a 3-part series, we aim to provide a practical resource for equine nurses, covering aspects such as pre-operative planning, positioning and aseptic preparation of the equine patient undergoing an arthroscopic procedure.


Jackie Ryan DipVN

Ms Jackie Ryan has been working as a veterinary nurse for more than 19 years. She obtained her diploma in Veterinary Nursing from University College Dublin in 2009 and has since worked in equine hospitals in Ireland and Australia. She moved to Qatar in 2018 where she joined the team at the Equine Veterinary Medical Center as Head Surgery Nurse.

Jessica P. Johnson BAgrSc, MVB, MRCVS, Dip. ECVS, DVMS

Jessica Johnson graduated with an MVB in Veterinary Medicine from University College Dublin in 2011. She is a European Specialist in Large Animal Surgery and has completed a Doctorate of Veterinary Medical Specialization (DVMS). She joined the Equine Veterinary Medical Centre, Qatar; in 2018, as a surgery clinician. Email: jjohnson@qf.org.qa

Jessica P. Johnson https://orcid/org/0000-0001-9146-4967

Keywords: equine, horse, arthroscopy, surgery, veterinary nurse

To cite this article:  Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 36 (01)• January 2021 pp13-18

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