Decontamination of laundry exposed to Microsporum canis hairs and spores

Karen Moriello, University of Wisconsin, Madison

Microsporum canis is a pathogenic fungus causing dermatophytosis or ‘ringworm' in cats, and occasionally dogs and humans. Environmental decontamination is an important part of the treatment of patients with this condition. But there is little published information on the effectiveness of routine procedures for washing objects such as bedding carrying contaminated fur and fungal spores. The author examined the results of washing fabric samples experimentally contaminated with M canis in water at temperatures of 30O and 60O C, with and without the use of bleach (sodium hypochlorite). The results show that samples of denim and terry cloth can be decontaminated in a washing machine using cold water; and without the addition of bleach but two washes are recommended to guarantee the removal of spores. Laundry should be washed on a long treatment cycle with maximal agitation, so it is important that the machine should not be overloaded.

Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery 18(6), 457-461

Use of cranberry extract in the prevention or urinary tract infections in dogs

Hsin-I Chou and others, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan

Cranberry juice has been shown to be helpful in the prevention of urinary tract infections in women. The authors investigated the effects of oral dosing with cranberry extract for 60 days in dogs with a history of recurrent UTIs. Urine samples taken from the six treated dogs and six controls receiving antimicrobial therapy showed no evidence of bacterial contamination at 30 and 60 days. Further laboratory studies showed that culture in urine from treated dogs affected the ability of Escherichia coli bacteria to adhere to canine kidney cells in vitro, which may be the mechanism by which cranberry extract prevents such infections.

American Journal of Veterinary Research 77(4), 421-427

Nutritional analysis of commercially available enteral diets for cats

Lori Prantil and others, Tufts University North Grafton, Massachusetts

In severely injured patients, administering liquidised food by tube into the stomach or small bowel can provide necessary nutrients while maintaining normal gut function. The authors examined the nutritional contents and bacterial contamination risks associated with using commercial enteral diets. Analysis of four diets classified as complete enteral diets and three incomplete diet products showed that all were deficient in at least one key nutrient, with iron, potassium and manganese being the most common. However, all the products tested were free of bacterial contamination at baseline and when retested for up to seven days later under normal storage conditions.

Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care 26(2), 254-261

Effects of a single dental chew on halitosis and dental plaque bacteria in dogs

Isabelle Jeusette and others, Affinity Petcare, Barcelona, Spain

Regular tooth brushing is considered the most effective method for removing dental plaque and controlling halitosis in pet dogs but owner compliance with veterinary recommendations is often poor: The authors examined the effects of giving a single dental treat with specific mechanical properties and active ingredients on the oral hygiene of 10 dogs of various breeds. Compared with dogs receiving placebo products, the treated group had significantly lower bacterial counts for up to 12 hours and concentrations of volatile sulphur compounds in their breath were reduced for up to 24 hours.

American Journal of Veterinary Research 77(6), 613-619

Non-invasive tissue oxygen monitoring in human and veterinary patients

Mallory Salcedo and others, University of Minnesota, St Paul

Early detection of decreased oxygen delivery to critically ill patients is crucial to ensuring appropriate treatment and resuscitation. The authors conducted a critical review of studies in the human and veterinary literature examining the use of tissue oxygen monitors during triage, surgery in trauma patients and in those suffering conditions such as septic shock. Non-invasive portable monitors were shown to provide real-time, continuous and repeatable tissue oxygen saturation measurements, detecting low values that may be associated with increased mortality morbidity and length of hospitalisation.

Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care 26(3), 323-332

Effects of gender and video-gaming on laparoscopy skills in students

Heather Bragg and others, Blue Pearl Specialty Partners, Overland Park, Kansas

Studies in the human medical literature have indicated an association between regular playing of computer games and the development of the sort of fine motor skills useful in minimally invasive surgical procedures. The authors assessed the video-gaming skills of 68 male and female third year veterinary students. The males had significantly higher gaming skills but spatial analysis and laparoscopic skills were not significantly different between the two groups. Those students keen on pursuing specialist qualifications in surgery tended to have better spatial analysis and gaming skills than those interested in internal medicine but there was no difference between those two groups in their laparoscopy skills.

Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 248(12), 1414—1418