Effects of refrigeration on bacterial culture of canine urine samples

Mark Acierno and others, Louisiana State University Baton Rouge

Urinary tract infections are common in dogs, with studies indicating that between 14 and 26% of individuals will have at least one incident during their lifetime. Urine analysis may produce nonspecific results and often bacterial culture fails to detect a causative organism. In many practices, urine samples are refrigerated before being despatched to the testing vlaboratory by courier. The authors investigated the effects of refrigeration on the results of quantitative bacterial culture. Samples were taken from 104 dogs with signs consistent with a UTI. If processed immediately 35.6% of these produced a positive culture but this dropped to 33.7% following refrigeration and 31.7% when refrigerated in tryptic soy broth. These results suggest that canine urine samples should be immediately processed for quantitative bacterial culture and should not be refrigerated before testing, while the use of enrichment broth should be actively discouraged.

Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 253 (2), 177-180

Workplace bullying in veterinary practice and its effects on health and performance

Dianne Gardner and Wendy Rasmussen, Massey University New Zealand

Bullying in the workplace may have profound effects on the mental state of the victim and adversely affect their performance. The authors investigated the incidence of bullying in New Zealand veterinary practices and the factors associated with it. Questionnaires were completed by 197 veterinarians, 32 (16.2%) reported having experienced bullying at work. In cases where the victim felt that they received support from others in the organisation, this moderated the adverse effects on mental health and job performance. It should be noted that the survey was based on a self-selected sample and may not reflect the wider population of veterinary staff.

New Zealand Veterinary Journal 66(2), 57-63

Guidelines on the management of diabetes in cats and dogs

Ellen Behrend and others, Auburn University Alabama

Diabetes mellitus is a treatable condition in cats and dogs but its management may be complicated due to individual differences in response to treatment and temporal changes in the patient's condition. The American Animal Hospital Association convened a working group to update its deadlines, produced in 2010 on appropriate care for these patients. The guidelines highlight the value of non-insulin-based medications and dietary management of diabetes patients. Together with standard treatments, these modalities may help in decreasing the clinical signs of diabetes mellitus while avoiding hypoglycaemia.

Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association 54(1), 1-21

Impact of low-level laser therapy on wound healing in dogs

Jessie Gammel and others, University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) has been suggested as a useful adjunct therapy in promoting wound healing in human and veterinary patients but published studies have offered mixed results. The authors assessed the effects of LLLT on primary closed incisions and full thickness open wounds in 10 healthy dogs undergoing ovariohysterectomy or punch biopsy procedures. Compared with controls, patients receiving LLLT showed no difference in subjective assessments of healing time and wound measurements. Therefore, this study did not support the use of LLLT to stimulate healing in uncomplicated small wounds and incisions.

Veterinary Surgery 47(4), 499-506

Errors in the contents labelling of commercial cat and dog food

Rebecca Ricci and others, University of Padua, Italy

Dietary trials are the only reliable method for identifying patients with adverse food reactions. It is therefore important for clinicians supervising such trials to have confidence in the accuracy of information provided on the food products used. The authors investigated the contents of 15 dry and 25 wet food products for dogs (36) and cats (4) using a rapid microarray-based commercial kit. The contents accurately reflected the label in only 10 cases, five did not contain any material from the declared animal species, 23 contained protein from an undeclared species and two had vague labelling that did not offer clear information on the protein source.

BMC Veterinary Research 14:209 (Open Access)

Clients’ attitudes towards the mode of dress in veterinary emergency staff

Tyler Sugerman-McGiffin and others Inland Valley Veterinary Specialists, Upland, California

In human medicine, studies indicate that physicians who wear more formal attire inspire greater trust and confidence in their patients. There is no published information on the attitudes of pet-owning clients to the clothing worn by veterinary staff.The authors questioned 154 clients of a small animal emergency clinic in a rural location. Most expressed no preference in the way that their veterinarians dressed. Yet 40 respondents (26%) did suggest that their veterinarian's attire would influence their opinion of the quality of care provided for their pet.

Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 253(3), 355-359

Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 33 • November 2018