Effect of different substrates on survival of feline coronavirus in litter trays

Diane Addie and others, University of Glasgow

Feline coronavirus (FCoV) is a highly contagious pathogen responsible for causing feline infectious peritonitis. Infection occurs through the faecal-oral route and is seen most commonly in group-housed cats kept indoors using litter trays. The authors investigated the effects of different compositions of litter material on the survival of the virus. FCoV was incubated with 15 different products, centrifuged and the supernatant tested for infectivity on cultured feline cells. Four litter materials were shown to eliminate the virus, nine reduced infectivity to some extent and two had no effect. Litter materials based on Fullers earth were most effective at preventing infection of cell cultures under laboratory conditions but did not completely prevent transmission in a real-life situation. Products largely containing wood dust were least effective in reducing infection risk.

Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery 22(4), 350-357

Effect of a weight loss programme on the microbiome of obese cats

Moran Tal and others, University of Guelph, Ontario

Studies in humans and mice have suggested that obesity affects the composition of the gut bacteria and that there is an ‘obese microbiome’ that can influence energy metabolism and fat storage. The authors investigated the number and composition of the gut microbiota in lean and obese cats, along with the impact of a weight loss diet on that population. Their findings confirmed the existence of a different microbial population in obese cats which may be related to increased efficiency in harvesting energy After four weeks on a weight control diet there was no apparent change in the gut microbiome composition.

BMC Veterinary Research 16:112

Ability of horse owners to recognise signs of colic in their animals

Adelle Bowden and others, University of Nottingham

Successful early treatment of equine colic will often depend on the owner’s ability to identify the clinical signs of this common veterinary emergency. The authors questioned 1,564 horse owners on their knowledge and experience of equine colic and their willingness to seek veterinary attention. The findings demonstrated marked variation in the owners’ recognition and response to colic, highlighting the importance of further efforts to educate owners and to support better decision making.

Equine Veterinary Journal 52(2), 262-267

Efficacy of metronidazole treatment of acute diarrhoea in dogs

Daniel Langlois and others, Michigan State University, East Lansing

Metronidazole is an antibiotic often used to treat acute diarrhoea in dogs but there is little published evidence to support this approach. The authors investigated the effects of metronidazole on the resolution of acute nonspecific diarrhoea in 14 dogs. Their findings show that this drug was effective in shortening the duration of clinical signs and reduced the number of Clostridium perfringens positive faecal samples. However, as most cases of diarrhoea resolve within a few days irrespective of treatment, further studies are necessary to assess the risks and benefits of this treatment.

Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine 34(1), 98-104

Use of mesenchymal stem cells to treat canine cutaneous wounds

Nathaly Enciso and others, University of Madrid

Adipose tissue can be a source of stem cells that have potential applications in treating a range of conditions. The authors describe the first reported case in which adipose-derived allogeneic stem cells from an unrelated dog were used to repair multiple bite wounds in a canine patient. The cells were collected, purified and injected into skin adjacent to the wound and the results compared with conventionally treated wounds on the same patient. It is suggested that this treatment represents a novel therapeutic approach for traumatic canine skin wounds, providing faster wound healing and re-epithelisation.

Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica 62:13

Prevalence of different mental health outcomes among Canadian veterinarians

Jennifer Perret and others, University of Guelph, Ontario

Several studies have demonstrated a higher prevalence of anxiety, work-related stress and burn-out in the veterinary profession than in the broader population. However subsequent research has shown that these results are not consistent. The authors surveyed the mental health of 1,403 Canadian veterinarians. Their findings showed increased levels of psychological morbidities among veterinarians than in other professions, with particularly acute problems in female veterinarians compared with their male colleagues.

Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 256(3), 365-375

VOL 35 • July 2020 • Veterinary Nursing Journal