Diagnosis and treatment of glaucoma in pet rabbits

Daniela Yuschenkoff and others, Tufts University, North Grafton, Massachusetts

Although rabbits are commonly used as laboratory models in human glaucoma research, the equivalent condition in pet rabbits has received little attention in the veterinary literature. The authors review the clinical records from 11 rabbits with 16 affected eyes examined at two vet hospitals. Median intraocular pressure at diagnosis was 39 mmHg and clinical signs included vision loss, buphthalmia, corneal oedema, optic nerve head cupping, cataracts and uveitis. Their findings suggest that the aetiology of glaucoma in rabbits is more varied than previously thought. Topical treatment with dorzolamide or timolol was effective in many cases, while enucleation or intravitreal gentamicin were successful second-line treatments..

Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine 34(I),67-71

Vitamin D status in cats with cardiomyopathy

Wendy Ware and others, Iowa State University Ames

Decreased concentrations of vitamin D have been observed in human patients with systemic hypertension and other cardiovascular conditions that may lead to congestive heart failure. Low values have been associated with disease progression and a poor prognosis. The authors compared the vitamin D status of feline patients with cardiomyopathy and healthy cats. Their findings show that vitamin D status was lower in cats with cardiac disease and low levels were associated with shorter survival times. It is not clear at this stage whether affected cats would benefit from dietary vitamin D supplementation.

Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine 34: 1389-1398

Opportunistic fungal skin infections in domestic animals

Bozena Dworecka-Kaszak and others, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland

Fungal skin infections are commonly reported in all domestic species around the world. They can cause systemic disease, particularly in immunocompromised patients, and may also be transmitted to human handlers. The authors evaluate the most frequently encountered fungal species causing infections in domestic species in Poland. Malassezia pachydermatis was a particularly common agent in canine otitis externa cases while Alternaria species appear to be an increasingly important cause of fungal dermatitis in dogs and horses.

BMC Veterinary Research 16:248

Successful resuscitation after cardiac arrest in a hypoglycaemic cat

Fergal McDermott and Kerrie Lewis, University of Saskatchewan, Canada

Spontaneous return of circulation occurs in fewer than 50% of small animal patients that undergo cardiac arrest in veterinary hospitals and only about 10% will survive to discharge. The authors describe a case where the patients, an II-year-old diabetic Siamese cat was fully ambulator four days after admission, although it did suffer permanent loss of vision. The cat was hypothermic when found unconscious by the owner, which the authors believe may have contributed to the successful outcome. The patient was also given mannitol and anti-seizure medications.

Canadian Veterinary Journal 61 (2), 157-160

Pregabalin as an analgesic in surgical treatment of canine spinal disease

Philipp Schmierer and others, University of Zurich, Switzerland

Postoperative pain control following surgery for intervertebral disc disease can be challenging because the patient may suffer from both nociceptive pain resulting from tissue damage and neuropathic pain caused by spinal cord compression. The authors investigate the efficacy of pregabalin, a gabapentinoid used to treat human neuropathic pain, in dogs with intervertebral disc herniation. Their findings in 46 client-owned dogs showed that postoperative pain signs were reduced in dogs given pregabalin and opioids compared with those given opioids alone.

Veterinary Surgery 49: 905-913

Dosage volume and efficacy of desensitization with nerve blocks for dental procedures

Peter Pascoe and Amandeep Chohan, University of California, Davis

Local anaesthesia is commonly used to relieve the pain of dental procedures in veterinary practice. The authors compared the efficacy and duration of desensitization following injection of different volumes of lidocaine/bupivacaine via the infraorbital approach in dogs. The dogs received I, 2 or 3 ml of the mixture applied 2 cm caudal to, and at the caudal aspect, of the infraorbital canal. There were no apparent differences in the efficacy or duration of the nerve block between the three treatment groups.

American Journal of Veterinary Research 81 (6), 463-470

Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 35 • September-December 2020 •