Job satisfaction and engagement among US small animal vet techs

David Liss and others, Amerivet Veterinary Partners Management, San Antonio, Texas

Veterinary technicians (ie, VNs) may experience a variety of stress factors in the workplace but there has been little research on the effects this may have on their job satisfaction and engagement. The authors describe an internet survey looking at the attitudes of 873 vet techs to their jobs in small animal practices. Factors associated with lower engagement and job satisfaction included more frequent overnight shifts and having more veterinarians working in the clinic. Those factors associated with better job satisfaction and engagement included having a supervisory role, receiving a higher hourly wage and having more vet techs employed at the practice. Holding a vet tech specialist designation was not associated with improved job satisfaction.

Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 257(5), 537-545

Conflict and affiliative behaviour in cats living in multi-cat households

Ashley Elzerman and others, Oakland Veterinary Referral Services, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan

Multiple studies have identified links between pets living in multi-cat households and an increased risk of behavioural and health problems, such aggression, feline idiopathic cystitis and periuria (house soiling). The authors carried out a survey of 2,492 cat owners with multiple pets, recording their observations on the interactions between these animals. The findings suggest that the perceived quality of the interactions between different cats was strongly influenced by the behaviour they displayed when first introduced to each other

Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery 22(8), 705-717

Complete upper airway collapse and apnoea during tethered swimming in horses

Sue Jones and others, University of Melbourne

Cardiovascular and respiratory responses to swimming in horses is known to be different to that during ground exercise, but there is limited knowledge of the impact of swimming on the structures of the upper respiratory tract (URT). The authors carried out endoscopic examinations of healthy horses during tethered exercise and showed that horses experience complete URT collapse associated with post inspiratory apnoea when swimming. The reasons for this are currently unknown but it may be to aid buoyancy or be associated with the mammalian dive response.

Equine Veterinary Journal https://doi:10.1111/evj.13,177

A health-related QoL questionnaire for the owners of dogs with cardiac disease

Lisa Freeman and others, Tufts University North Grafton, Massachusetts

Cardiac disease in dogs can have a significant impact on the quality of life of their owners, which in turn may influence their ability to provide adequate care for the pet. The authors created a questionnaire for owners to provide information on issues such as the effect of the dog's illness on their own finances, social life and sleep patterns, etc. The questionnaire appears to offer reliable results on changes to the owner's QoL and may guide efforts to minimise the effects of the dog's illness on their own health.

Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine https://doi/epdf/10.1111/jvim.15791

Accuracy of urine dipsticks for the assessment of glucosuria in dogs and cats

Caroline Aldridge and others, Auburn University Alabama

Accurate measurements of glycosuria are important in the management of diabetes in small animal patients. While urine dipsticks provide a convenient, easy and inexpensive testing method, there are still questions around the use of these technologies. The authors compared the results of human interpretation of dipstick tests with those from automatic readers and found that visual readings were more accurate. Dipstick readings were useful for confirming glycosuria when a result was positive but not for ruling it out when the results were negative.

Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 257(4), 391-396

WSAVA guidelines on feline dental treatment

Brook Niemiec and others, World Small Animal Veterinary Association

Dental diseases are among the most frequently encountered health problems in small animal practice. These conditions will often cause considerable pain but are often poorly managed and can develop into significant welfare issues. The authors, members of the WSAVA global dental committee, aim to provide veterinary practitioners with guidance on providing realistic minimum standards of care for all companion animals. Their paper describes the common oral pathologies, diagnostic procedures and treatments for these conditions, with advice on anaesthesia and nutritional considerations.

Journal of Small Animal Practice https://doi/epdf/10.1111/jsap.13132

Management of pain in dogs at a university emergency clinic

Frederik Rousseau-Blass and others, University of Montreal, Quebec

Numerous studies have shown that pain is underrecognised and undertreated in veterinary clinics. The authors investigated the prevalence and management of pain in dogs presented to a university emergency service. Patients were assessed on entry using a validated pain scoring system and those identified as being in pain were given analgesia. Nevertheless, it was a concern that a small proportion of dogs did not receive analgesia despite the presence of identifiable pain. The authors suggest there is a need for further training in pain recognition for veterinary staff.

Canadian Veterinary Journal 61 (3), 294-300

Comparison of three techniques for urinary catheter placement in female dogs

Abbie Tippler and others, Veterinary Specialist Services, Jindalee, Queensland

Urinary catheterisation is often necessary for the management of hospitalised dogs but may be associated with a number of complications such as urethritis, urinary tract perforation or infection. The authors describe a new technique for catheterising female dogs and compare the results with those from two established techniques. Six of nine clinicians involved in the study found the NCD (novel catheterization device) easier to use than standard SPEC (visual with speculum) or BP (blind palpation) methods when tested in dogs from three size groups.

Australian Veterinary Journal https://doi:10.1111/avj.12961

Client perceptions of cardiopulmonary resuscitation in veterinary practice

Jennifer Oberholtzer and Erik Hofmeister Midwestern University Glendale, Arizona

When an animal is admitted for hospitalisation the owners may be asked if they want their pet to be resuscitated in the event of a cardiac arrest. The authors investigated clients' knowledge and understanding of the process to gauge their ability to provide informed consent for the procedure. The majority of owners who responded to the survey overestimated the survival rate following resuscitation. Those owners who regularly watched medical dramas on television tended to give higher estimates of the pet's survival chances.

Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care 30(4):411-417

Use of aerobic bacterial swabs to predict infection in acute open wounds

Lauren Hamil and others, Colorado State University Fort Collins

Canine acute traumatic wounds are a frequent presentation at first opinion practices and will often go on to develop serious infections. The authors used initial aerobic bacteria cultures to try to identify those cases likely to develop infected wounds, with swabs taken before and after lavage and debridement. Their findings show that routine bacterial culturing of wounds is not likely to help predict subsequent wound infection, nor is it likely to accurately guide the early selection of antimicrobial treatments.

Veterinary Surgery https://doi/epdf/10.1111/vsu.13420

Leg cocking behaviour preferences in male dogs

Mark Bennett VPG Histology Bristol

Some mature male dogs will often, or always, raise a hind leg to urinate while others do so rarely The author asked dog owners around the world to observe their animal's behaviour to investigate correlations with factors such as neutering status and age. The results showed that castration was negatively associated with a preference for raising a leg to urinate. The right leg was lifted more often than the left although many dogs were ambilateral. Age did not seem to have a significant influence on the dogs' behaviour

Journal of Veterinary Behavior 39(1), 37-40

Total injectable anaesthesia for sterilisation clinics in remote locations

Lysa Pam Posner and others, North Carolina State University Raleigh

Sterilisation clinics for street dogs and cats may often be based in remote locations without ready access to compressed gases and anaesthetic machines. The authors describe a technique allowing total injectable anaesthesia for use by veterinary staff working in these situations. Male and female cats and dogs received a combination of dexmedetomidine, ketamine and hydromorphone with alfaxalone administered to any patients showing signs of premature recovery. Their results show that total injectable anaesthesia can be performed with minimal morbidity

BMC Veterinary Research

• VOL 35 • September-December 2020 • Veterinary Nursing Journal