ABSTRACT: Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) are well-named because they are key opinion leaders’ in the eyes of the local pet-owning community. Owners moving to a new area are more likely to ask other petcare businesses for practice recommendations, than to trust such an important decision to chance. If these contacts have a poor opinion of a practice or have had their own bad experience, they tell their clients about it, for sure. This article looks at practical ways in which KOLs can be contacted, cultivated and contribute to a successful veterinary practice.


Alison Lambert BVSC MMRS MRCVS

Alison is a well-known and thought-provoking speaker. Following qualification as a veterinary surgeon from Liverpool University, she worked in small animal practice for several years prior to leaving to pursue a business career, first with Hill’s Pet Nutrition and then MARS. Alison is a visiting lecturer at Nottingham University vet school, covering customer understanding, and she sits on the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons Communications Committee.

As founder and managing director of Onswitch, she – and her team – are constantly provoking new thoughts and ideas for the animal care professions.

Keywords: Feature, Kols, Resolve

To cite this article: Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 28 (02) • February 2013 • pp66-67

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