Reason for emigration

I came to Vietnam to work with the wildlife. Promoting high standards of animal welfare, speaking out for animals without a voice, is a very important part of why I became a veterinary nurse.


Adina Valentine RVN CertEAN(Exotics) BDMLR Marine Mammal Medic

Adina has been a veterinary nurse for 10 years. She is a clinical coach and is studying towards a Diploma in Welfare and Ethics and the Vets Now Emergency and Critical Care Certificate. She has been working for charities in Asia for just over a year. Her personal interests include exotics, anaesthesia, welfare, conservation, education and laboratory work. Adina has a German shepherd dog, a Californian King Snake and a boyfriend back home in the UK awaiting her return!

Keywords: Feature, VN, Abroad

To cite this article: Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 29 (05) • May 2014 • pp181-183

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