ABSTRACT: Starting your first job as an RVN may be a nervous, albeit exciting time. This article aims to provide peer support to students and newly qualified veterinary nurses entering their first job. It discusses the transition from student to RVN, and the author’s experience of progressing through these phases. It highlights the importance of remaining confident in your abilities/ knowledge and allowing yourself time to settle in and adjust to a new chapter in your life.


Philippa Richmond BSc(Hons) RVN RSQP MBVNA

Philippa Richmond graduated from Harper Adams University in 2013 with a first-class honours degree in Veterinary Nursing and Practice Management. She is also a qualified RSQP Philippa works at Willows Veterinary Hospital in Cheshire, as an RVN and clinical coach, and has particular interests in medical nursing, nurse clinics and research/education. She is currently studying towards the Vets Now Certificate in Emergency and Critical Care.

Keywords: Features, RVN

To cite this article: Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 30 (03) • March 2015 • pp91-92

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