ABSTRACT: Exotic animals can be purchased from specialist pet shops, over the Internet or from private breeders. They are subject to the same laws and regulations that govern the sale of any animal and additionally by specific pieces of legislation relating to the import/export and sale of exotic animals. Historically, the trade in species from other countries together with a destruction of their habitat has led to some species being threatened with extinction. These Acts of Parliament or agreements between countries have been put in place to safeguard the populations of animals in their native environment. Restrictions on the sale of some of the most at-risk species means that prospective purchasers should do their research to check if they require specific paperwork to sell, buy or keep the species they are interested in. Any attempts to sell restricted species without the correct paperwork should be reported to try to stamp out the trade in illegally imported animals. There is also legislation in place to protect our native wildlife, and the selling of wild caught animals in the UK is prohibited. The sale of exotics that require no paperwork does not necessarily mean they are suitable as pets.


Lynne Stoakes BVetMed MRCVS

Lynne qualified from the Royal Veterinary College in 1984. She has worked in a first opinion and referral practice in Harold Wood, Essex, since 1985, treating a wide variety of companion and exotic animals. She has been keeping tortoises since 1989.

Keywords: Clinical, Exotic, Legislation

To cite this article: Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 29 (10) • October 2014 • pp335-338

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