ABSTRACT Regional anaesthesia is one of the most effective ways of providing pain relief to veterinary patients. The equipment list for a significant number of local anaesthesia techniques includes just a syringe, needle, local anaesthetic and appropriate knowledge of anatomy So why aren’t they being used more in veterinary medicine”5 As veterinary nurses, it is important that we have a good comprehension of the analgesic techniques available, how they work and in which scenarios they can be helpful for our patients. This is part one of three articles examining regional anaesthesia of the head, thoracic limbs and hind limbs.


Mary Barker BSc (Hons) RVN

Mary graduated from the Royal Veterinary College as an RVN in 2010. She worked in a charity practice before moving to the Queen Mother Hospital as an anaesthesia nurse in October 2011. She is hoping to start her nursing Certificate in Anaesthesia and Critical Care this year.

Keywords: Clinical, Anaesthesia, Regional

To cite this article: Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 28 (12) • December 2013 • pp

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