Author: Rachel Lumbis MSc, BSc(Hons), PGCertMedEd, CertSAN, RVN, FHEA

ABSTRACT Dogs and cats have unique nutritional requirements that vary throughout life, highlighting the importance of feeding a diet suited to their age and physiological state. The plethora
of pet foods makes it challenging for owners to decide what and how much to feed. Therefore,
the veterinary healthcare team must be able to provide accurate advice regarding optimal life-stage nutrition.
Part 1 of this article introduces nutritional assessment guidelines for small animals and explores the terms commonly used to describe canine and feline life stages. It also considers the dietary adaptations required during adulthood, gestation and lactation.
Keywords companion animal nutrition, life stage, dietary requirements, canine, feline

To cite this article: VNJ Volume 37 (3) July 2022 pp 26-33

DOI: 10.56496/PBAS8775

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