ABSTRACT: Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS) and Sepsis are encountered in veterinary practice daily. However, there are few tools available for use by veterinary professionals to enable them to quickly recognise the syndromes. After research into Sepsis Care bundles available to human hospital staff, the observer has become more aware of how to recognise the condition whilst in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). After developing a Veterinary Sepsis Care Bundle (VSCB), it was put into place in ICU. Following the discussion, it was revealed that survival rates were slightly improved following introduction of the VSCB. Similar percentages of patients were administered antibiotic therapy within three hours of admission, before and after the bundle was introduced.

It was appreciated that a large percentage of all patients situated in ICU are affected somewhere between SIRS and Septic Shock. The VSCB introduced to ICU provided a reminder to staff of early recognition and management.


Katherine Gray RVN DipAVN

Katie qualified and registered with the RCVS in 2012 after studying at MYF in Aldershot. Shortly after registering, Katie started working as a Surgery Nurse at the Queen Mother Hospital for Animals at the Royal Veterinary College. With her main interests in critical care, Katie transferred to the Emergency and Critical Care Department of the QMHA in 2013. Katie has recently graduated from Harper Adams University with the Advanced Diploma in Veterinary Nursing, and is appointed as a Senior ECC Nurse helping to lead the team of over 30 Specialist RVNs.

Email: kgray@rvc.ac.uk

Keywords: Clinical, Sepsis, Veterinary practise

To cite this article: Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 32 (12) • December 2017 pp365-368

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