A good clinical manager, with responsibility for overseeing the running of a theatre, will have protocols in place to inspect the physical integrity of the theatre, ranging from checking gaps between doors to equipment faults.

Other records, such as monitoring humidity and temperature and air quality checks by means of bacteria particle counts and ventilation quality, should also be made.


Albert C P Holgate HE Dip CVN Dip AVN RVN

Albert has been employed at Greater Manchester Animal Hospital (RSPCA) since 2002. He qualified as a Veterinary Nurse in 2007 and completed the RCVS Advanced Diploma in Veterinary Nursing in 2013. Albert is currently clinical manager overseeing a team of nurses at various levels.

Keywords: Clinical, Surgical

To cite this article: Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 28 (09) • August 2013 • pp250-252

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