Authors: Iona Wednesday Wilkinson FdSc RVN and Christina Maden BSc (Hons), RVN, PGCert Vet Ed, FHEA

Abstract: In the course of her work as a nurse in human medicine, Virginia Henderson (1897–1996) identified 14 fundamental human needs, which could be met through holistic nursing activities to ensure a patient’s physical, social, psychological and spiritual wellbeing. Henderson’s theory is based
on humans, so some aspects of her model do not apply to veterinary patients. However, this article will illustrate how Henderson’s model can be adapted to support the holistic nursing of veterinary patients.

Keywords: Holistic, Henderson, nursing model, fundamental needs, veterinary

To cite this article: How Henderson’s Theory Of Fundamental Human Needs can be adapted to veterinary patients. (2022) Wilkinson, I W & Maden, C. VNJ, 2022. 37 (6) pp 20-25


ORCID: Iona Wednesday Wilkinson

ORCID: Christina Maden

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