If you are heading to the BVNA Congress (11-13 October, Telford), we need your help!

We will have a stand in the exhibition area where we will be testing some new practical OSCE stations, and we would like your feedback on them. These new stations will be added to our bank of practical tasks and used for the pre-registration examinations run by the RCVS.

Staff will also be on hand to answer any questions you may have about the online CPD record, our new Code app, the disciplinary system, or any other issue.

We hope to see you there!

Plain questioning in Salisbury

On 23 October, we will be hosting one of our Regional Question Time meetings in Salisbury, and all VNs, vets and practice staff are welcome to attend.

We are often asked what the agenda is for these meetings – the honest answer is that we don’t know! We have a panel made up of members of the Operational

Board (which includes the chairman of VN Council), and we take questions from the floor. That’s it: Salisbury Plain and simple…

The evening starts with a buffet at 6.30, followed by a short introductory presentation; then the questions begin.

Invitations will go out to those within reasonable travelling distance, but all are very welcome. So that we can make sure we lay on the right amount of food and drink, please let Fiona Harcourt know if you are coming, at f.harcourt@rcvs.org.uk or on 020 7202 0773.

And if you are involved with the Practice Standards Scheme (PSS) in your practice, you may find our PSS surgeries’ useful. These free 45-minute sessions with a PSS inspector take place from l-5pm on 23 October in the same venue as the Regional Question Time (which is still TBC as we go to press).

It’s your opportunity to ask about any aspect of the Scheme that is concerning you – whether you are thinking of joining the Scheme, heading for inspection, or preparing for a re-inspection. Please contact Fiona on the details above to reserve your ‘slot’.

Examination high

The summer round of Level 3 Diploma in Veterinary Nursing practical exams hit a new high in terms of pass rates, with 80% of first-time candidates and 77% of all candidates passing – that’s up on last July’s figures of 75% and 77% respectively. Well done to all those who were successful.

Meanwhile, final students were certificated for the NVQ in July, which brings this qualification to an end – it was superseded by the Level 3 Diploma in 2010.

Celebrating success

Students who have passed both their theory and practical examinations will receive an invitation to attend an admission ceremony to be held at the RCVS in London on Thursday 17 October. This will give new registrants a chance to make the declaration, and receive their Certificate in Veterinary Nursing and RVN badge from the RCVS president, in front of family and friends.

An admission ceremony for students who pass the autumn examinations is scheduled to take place on Wednesday 15 January 2014. 

• VOL 28 • September 2013 • Veterinary Nursing Journal