ABSTRACT: Head trauma and subsequent brain injury is observed frequently in practice; although it is very difficult to estimate the number of cases seen each year. Cats are most often the victims admitted for this clinical reason.


Emma Opperman RVN

Emma has worked in veterinary practice for the last 24 years – in general practice and private referral practice, as well as in the role of ICU nurse at Bristol Veterinary School (Langford). She has lectured nationally and internationally and has written articles for veterinary nursing journals for many years. Her main interests are emergency nursing and teaching. Emma is on the VNJ editorial board and currently works as head nurse in the Cotswolds at a busy small animal hospital with a fantastic team of VNs.

Keywords: Clinical, Feline, Trauma

To cite this article: Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 29 (06) • June 2014 • pp194-197

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