ABSTRACT: As a qualified veterinary nurse there are many different career pathways that can be followed, including working within a Zoological/wildlife park. Zoological collections with an onsite vet team/facility are uncommon and so gaining a zoo nurse position can be challenging and competitive to achieve. Gaining experience and recognised qualifications can help.

Having an insight into the role of a zoo nurse is beneficial as working with wild animals is often not what many people expect when they think of working within a zoo as a nurse.


Samantha Ashfield RVN C&G Cert VNES, APVN (Zoo)

Sam qualified as a veterinary nurse in 2003. She always had an interest in wildlife and exotics and has gained a certificate in nursing exotic and zoo species. In August 2015 she became the veterinary nurse at Twycross Zoo. Email: Samantha.ashfield@twycrosszoo.org

Keywords: exotic; zoo; nurse; wildlife

To cite this article: Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 35 (09-12) • September-December 2020 •


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