ABSTRACT: Emergency situations are relatively commonplace in the veterinary practice, and as such are linked in with the RCVS Day One competencies. Student veterinary nurses have always had an element of emergency nursing included in their training. Good teamwork, communication and preparation are key factors in the successful resolution of the emergent case. An appropriate framework should be followed during the triage process, which identifies the main issues and considerations in the critical patient. The use of monitoring equipment is vital during this period, and veterinary staff should endeavour to be familiar with its use to gain most value from the information it provides.


Sarah Pointer BSC (Hons) AI PTLLS RVN

Sarah began nursing in 2006 in small animal practice and qualified in 2008. Sarah began lecturing at Warwickshire College in Veterinary Nursing in 2013, and delivers the final year module in ECC Nursing. Her interests include ECC feline nursing and behaviour as well as veterinary nurse education and training.

Keywords: Clinical, Critical care

To cite this article: Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 32 (06) • June 2017 pp165-168

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