Dear Reader

Welcome to the May edition of the VNJ. My name is Wendy Nevins, President and I am filling in for our Editor, Stacey Blease, who stepped down as the VNJ’s Editor-in-Chief in March.

This is a great opportunity for me to say a huge thank you on behalf of the BVNA for all she did while she was with us. We now have a clear focus on exploring the impact of veterinary nurses on clinical practice, we have strengthened our internal ethical and quality standards and set up some exciting projects to facilitate learning and development for members. More on that – and what it means for the VNJ – in the coming months!

As I write, we have started the process of recruiting Stacey’s successor and bringing in additional support to ensure the Learning & Development team is stronger and has more capacity than ever to continue developing this important work for you.

Today I also signed off on our elections. This process has been extensively reviewed and improved – including better guidance and advice for candidates, right through to the training we provide for new Council Members. It has never been a better time to get involved with the BVNA. We need strong and engaged advocates on Council, in the Regions and in your workplace; do keep an eye out for information on how you can get involved on our web page and via social media. I am excited to see how your plans for VNAM will take shape this month!

This month’s edition takes us to Vietnam thanks to Sophie Sparrow’s account of her experiences with the care of rescued Sunda pangolins. These are sadly the most trafficked mammals in the world and wound management and healing are a key part of the rehabilitation these most intriguing creatures.

Tawny Kershaw reflects on a case of urinary obstruction in a four-year-old neutered male domestic short hair that presented with dysuria, stranguria and abdominal pain; from treatment through to client education and patient care.

Finally Louise Stott considers the importance of preventing dental disease in dogs and the VN’s role in that. This is something we also recognise the importance of – and are now in our third cohort of our Oral Care Course. There is much that can be done to significantly improve poor dental health – much of it through the effective education of owners.

In the last couple of months, the BVNA has remained at the centre of events and debate about the role of veterinary nurses. I contributed an important article in the March Vet Record on the impact of corporates on our profession. Rest assured we continue to take every opportunity to call for more appropriate responsibility for veterinary nurses and greater clarity over what we can do within the current legislation.

As ever, we remain focused on what we can do to help you be better as a veterinary nurse and in your role. Do let us know what you think of this edition – thank you all for your regular comments, encouragement and helpful criticism. We value it all.


Wendy Nevins RVN BVNA President

VOL 34 • May 2019 • Veterinary Nursing Journal