Dear Reader

A lot of time has passed since I last wrote the Editorial for the VNJ, and much has happened, both on the world stage and in veterinary nursing. Great sporting events have taken place, not least the Olympics, which gave the UK a golden moment of glory in which to bask, and Andy Murray won Wimbledon! If he wins it again next year, the whole of the UK will once more be able to bask in some of his reflected glory now that the result of the recent Scottish referendum is known. It was a close result and the possibility of a ‘yes’ vote certainly made a number of Westminster politicians sweat – never a bad thing in my view! Let’s hope they act on their promises once the dust has settled.

Although not at first obvious, my musing on the Hibernian question is related, albeit distantly, to BVNA matters as October sees the start of another new year for the Association and this year’s AGM sees Fiona Andrew take over the reins as President. I’m sure that she will do a sterling job as BVNA’s figurehead this year and her ascendency will give Kirstie Shield a welcome respite after her year of hard work and commitment to the Association. Congratulations to both!

For those of you who know him, Percy, Border Terrier extraordinaire, is still going strong, albeit as a middle-aged version of his younger self. He is a great fan of small children, partly due to their size, and will happily engage with any that cross his path. Most children appreciate the opportunity to interact with a small dog but I never take that for granted and I do find it depressing that the number of children and adults who avoid any contact with dogs appears to be on the increase. It is probably not surprising given the dramatic changes in the dog-owning demographic, as well as the change in the dog breeds that have become popular. In this issue of the journal, well-known behaviourist Anne McBride provides essential information for veterinary nurses on an issue that is very much part of their role of educating the public.

While on the subject of client education, Sara Endersby provides some excellent advice for RVNs who are tasked with providing information and support in the run-up to Fireworks Night, and Lynne Stoakes explains the law relating to buying and selling exotic pets.

Finally, while I don’t ‘do’ Facebook, I will admit to reading the occasional ‘tweet’ in weaker moments, and there is no doubt that social media are with us to stay. It’s also true to say that they have a role to play in disseminating information to clients. But many employers are concerned that access to computers in the workplace does have the potential to reduce employee efficiency as well as to increase opportunities for misuse. Stephanie Almond’s article gives an insight into her findings and makes some interesting points for readers to ponder.

I will end by taking this opportunity of congratulating the RCVS on the new Charter. The changes to RVN status were a long time coming but I now look forward to the next phase in the development of the veterinary nursing profession and my new status as an associate member of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons!


Sue Badger MEd CertEd RVN

Commissioning Editor

To cite this editorial, use either
DOI: 10.1111/vnj.12178 or Veterinary Nursing Journal VOL 29 p314

• VOL 29 • October 2014 • Veterinary Nursing Journal