Dear Reader

As we begin the New Year, 2014, we must try to go forward with a very positive attitude.

We often speak about resolutions that are never kept; but invariably there is good reason why this happens. Typically, we complain about different facets of life, yet we are never really interested in doing something about it. Let this year be a better one than the last one and let us put in a little bit more effort to make this a true year of change.

Everyone needs to have goals – because, whether big or small, these targets can be of great significance in our lives. Goals help us to move forward and aim for what we desire. If there is no goal, we flounder and stagnate.

This month, think in which direction you are headed and whether you are on the right path to achieve your goals. Take ownership of what you want to achieve and do not blame others for any failures as you control your outcomes.

Also don’t waste time on jealousy, gossip and scandal. We are professionals and we all have the potential to achieve what we want; but it takes hard work, time and patience.

Ensure your goals are right for you and question your motivation for achieving them. Are they reasonable? Smaller goals will help keep our motivation alive; whilst goals that are too big may dampen our spirits.

If you need to, seek help with your goals. You may even have others ask you for help with their own goals; so treat this as a compliment as you are obviously someone they look up to.

We can all work together to enhance the cohesion and professionalism of the veterinary practice team.

I hope you enjoy reading this month’s articles and that they provide you with a goal to achieve or even inspire you to write your own article and set your own goals for 2014.

Finally, I do have to send my apologies to some of my BVNA Council members, especially Donna, when our Council 007 picture was inadvertently cropped leaving her with only an arm! So by way of an apology and for you all to have a smile, here is your BVNA Council in all their finest James Bond fancy dress. And who knows what this year will hold!

Happy New Year!


Sam Morgan, CertEd DipAVN(Medical & Surgical) RVN 

Executive Editor

To cite this editorial use either

DOI: 10.1111/vnj.12098 or Veterinary Nursing Journal Vol 29 pp 02


• VOL 29 • January 2014 • Veterinary Nursing Journal