Dear Reader

Hello, and welcome to the September issue of the VNJ, which we hope will inspire you, flex those brain cells and bring you up to date with veterinary world news.
Two recent news stories have caught my eye in particular. The first is that the new Royal Charter was adopted by a unanimous vote by RCVS Council.
This means that we are on the way to the formal recognition of veterinary nursing as a profession and to being associates of the College. It will certainly be a special occasion to mark when this is passed.

Second is the announcement made by the University of Bristol’s School of Veterinary Sciences of the UK’s first Veterinary Nursing Masters by Research degree in small animal clinical research. For me this represents a real step forward in showing our professionalism and I was really proud to see such a post being offered. The closing date has now passed but I hope that there was a good response to the advertisement and that the successful applicant will do the VN profession proud.

As a profession we have come a long way over the years, but more needs to be done to change the general public perception of veterinary nurses as ‘bunny huggers’ or those who ‘want to be vets when we grow up’. Some dedicated individuals who are doing their bit to change that opinion are our competition winners from BVNA’s National Veterinary Nursing Awareness Month campaign. In this issue you can read more about their efforts to introduce the VN profession to pet owners, from eye-catching waiting room displays to inspirational public events.

The BVNA continues to represent members’ views and beliefs wherever we can. Kirstie Shield, current BVNA President, has been extremely busy this year attending major veterinary conferences, Council meetings and officer meetings with other representative groups. You can certainly sense the buzz of activity if you follow the BVNA President on Facebook!

We have also taken the opportunity this month to introduce two more of the new Council members stepping on board with us this year, Bizzy Allen- McClure and Megan Whitehead. If you are coming to the BVNA Congress in Telford next month, why not stop at the BVNA stand and meet some of your Council members? We would be delighted if you would take some time to let us hear your views as members of the Association.

Happy reading, and maybe I will meet you next month at Congress.


Sam Morgan CertEd, DipAVN(Medical & Surgical), RVN

To cite this editorial, use either
DOI: 10.1111/vnj.12170 or Veterinary Nursing Journal VOL 29 pp 284

• VOL 29 • September 2014 • Veterinary Nursing Journal