Dear Reader, 

As I take up the role as Executive Editor, I do so with excitement and trepidation. I have some very big shoes to fill after Sue Badger!

Freshly home from the 39th BVNA Congress in Telford I reflect back on the extraordinarily busy three days filled with pride for our profession. Our office team, Angie, Alison, Lisa, Sheila and Debbie have once again worked their socks off to bring the whole affair together. Our wonderful congress committee organised streams of lectures to revive, stimulate and educate the brains of qualified and student veterinary nurses alike.

This was our first congress at Telford and it proved to be a success. Each delegate I spoke to remarked on the space and the layout of the new venue. The location brought new delegates across from Wales and Northern Ireland and the range of hotels on-site encouraged delegates to stretch the experience over a number of days.

The usual Saturday antics again were a big success with our back to the 80’s fancy dress. I do not think I have ever seen so much neon in one room! I always sit in awe at the time people have spent on their costumes and the clever ideas that come about. 1 had an excellent people-watching spot and did spy Dusty Bin, a few Rubiks Cubes and the gang from Scooby Doo! I am sure the photographs will provide much amusement. The band ‘Hope and Glory’ played the evening away with a mix of Madness and Ska hits.

Our BVNA charity of the year was represented throughout congress. A large amount of money was raised by generous delegates at the Friday night ‘race course’ where we all placed bets and cheered our chosen dogs’ home. Dr Andrew Higgins provided a lovely speech co open congress as he regaled us with tales of his very exciting career.

Finally the Sunday of congress is always full of mixed emotions. There is excitement at a new council year and sadness as we say farewell to past council members. Louisa Baker took the chain of office and started her presidential year.

We also have two new council members, Lucy Hayne and Jill Macdonald, and I look forward to working with them all – I think it is going to be an exciting year.

So, to end my first editorial piece, I would like to offer thanks to all those delegates who came along to our congress, and for those who could not join us, I hope to see you in future years.


Sam Morgan Cert Ed DipAVN(Medical & Surgical) RVN 

Executive Editor

To cite this editorial use either

DOI: 10.1111/j.2045-0648.2012.00229.x or Veterinary Nursing Journal Vol 27 pp 394


• VOL 27 • November 2012 • Veterinary Nursing Journal