Dear Reader

Well, March is here and hopefully spring and the sunshine along with it. I’m already enjoying the ever-increasing daylight hours.

This edition of the vnj is certainly packed with a variety of topics and it really highlights the lovely diversity of our profession. From wound care, equine nursing to ferrets. I certainly also enjoy reading the stories about VNs abroad.

There is also a nomination form for BVNA Council in this edition. If you feel you would like to have the opportunity to become more involved within the profession, why don’t you stand?

During my time on Council, I have heard many opinions regarding different matters that concern Veterinary Nurses, especially on some of the website forums that are around.

There are some of us with very strong views and ideas on how our profession should develop. Personally I welcome that; however, only voicing your views on a forum, only gets you so far. I would challenge you to ‘step up’ and join Council or support those of us who are trying to shape the profession the best way we can.

On Council we welcome members from all backgrounds and experiences to join us. The closing date is the end of April, so this gives you plenty of time to get those forms in.

If Council is not your calling, there are other ways to become more involved in the VN profession – for instance through National Veterinary Nursing Month.

This year it has been moved to May and there are many ways you and your practice, or college, can become involved. Public awareness of our profession is a step towards its formal recognition.

I do not always want to be thought of as just a Veterinary Nurse. So many times I have heard the questions: “So are you going to be a vet one day?” or “Are you a nurse because you did not get the grade to be a Vet?” To many people’s surprise, I actually wanted to be a Veterinary Nurse and I encourage others to learn more about what it is like to be involved in our profession.

The BVNA is organising events to increase public awareness – we will be attending Alton Show and this month we have a stand at Cruft’s, Birmingham. If you are visiting either of these events, come and say “Hello”.

You can become involved by joining our regional co-ordinators. These enthusiastic people work voluntarily, setting up local CPD and providing advice for all areas around the UK and Northern Ireland. Having been an RCO myself, I know it is a rewarding experience and a great way to meet other BVNA members and other RCOs.

Places such as North Wales, Welshpool, Channel Islands, Oxfordshire/ Northamptonshire and London are currently without an RCO, so if you are a Veterinary Nurse in these areas and would like to see more CPD provided, contact the BVNA team.

So remember you can shape your profession by becoming more involved – from a local to Council level. By taking part you can influence how you want things to be.

Finally, I would just like to congratulate and thank our office manager,

Angela Mariconda, for her 20 years of working with the BVNA. Angie is a key team member and the organisation would not be the same without her hard work and dedication.Thank you.


Sam Morgan

Cert Ed DipAVN(Medical & Surgical) RVN Executive Editor

To cite this editorial use either

DOI: 10.1111/vnj.12010 or Veterinary Nursing Journal Vol 28 pp 70

• VOL 28 • March 2013 • Veterinary Nursing Journal